Monday, April 16, 2012

Sunlite Jazz Polycarbonate Sheet: Quality That's Easy on the Pocket!

The strongest or hottest heat by the sun happens during noontime when the sun will be directly above a roof. At this instance, sunlight will strike on the flat embossed surface, which deflects around 50% of light. With this, only around 50% of the sun's heat is able to penetrate the interior.

Majority of the sunlight will enter through the sloping surface. Since the slope is transparent, a high percentage of light can enter. But since sunlight is on a slopping manner, the impact of heat is reduced which helps in creating a more comfortable interior.

Here's the details why Sunlite Jazz is different from other Polycarbonate Sheet.
Sunlite Jazz has the strength of glass and embossed sheet. It produces very good lighting and heat prevention at the same time.

The Sunlite Polycarbonate Sheet welcomes all inquiries, comments and suggestions. Leave us a message and we will get back to you immediately. You can also email us at